Official Scientific Report of NMR Pipetector Installation
Anti-Corrosion Application, Royal Garden Hotel
The Royal Garden Hotel in Kensington England belongs to one of the most prestigious hotel chains in the world was built in 1965, renovated from 1994 to 1996, and has 400 bedrooms. For the prevention of the domestic hot water pipework from the internal corrosion that the hotel has, one NMR Pipetector of 8 inches (PT-200DS) and one NMR unit of 4 inches (PT-100DS) were installed onto two separate domestic hot water pipe works in the main hotel. 25 days after the installation of NMR Pipetector onto the domestic hot water pipe work in the main hotel, the Fe content drastically decreased from 2.79mg/l (before the installation of NMR Pipetector) to 0.016mg/l, stayed at the low of 0.013mg/l 36 days after the installation, and these data are far below 0.2mg/l of the British Government Standard for Drinking Water. The decrease of Fe content means that new forming of corrosion (FeO(OH)) inside of the pipe work was terminated, and the existing corrosion was reduced to magnetite (Fe3O4) which is not dissolved into the water and protects the inside of the pipe from corrosion.
Installation Summary
Fe content in domestic hot water pipe